A lovely and dear friend of mine, Joanna (from the blog + zine called Little) has proposed a very exciting creative project that she's cleverly titled the Penny Black Project. As the name may suggest, it's all about creating postage-stamp sized art, and Jo's currently calling for participants. I've already put my hand up to be a part of it, and just in case you might be interested too, below are all the details, as sourced from Jo's blog:
Do you want to be more creative but find you’re short on time? Start small by joining the Penny Black Project. Six projects, six weeks apart. Create a postage stamp for art.
For each project you will be sent;
· Denomination (what that stamp will be worth)
· Feature colour
· Stamp size/proportions (so you can work bigger and shrink down)
Submissions can be made via hard or soft copy and will be published at www.pennyblackproject.blogspot.com and at the project's end, will be compiled into a zine.
Interested? Send to [email protected]:
· Photo/avatar (for the blog)
· Contact email
· URL (to plug)
· 25 words (or less) bio
Applications close OCTOBER 15
Spaces limited!
I am a stamp collector from way back and have always wanted to design my own stamp, and now have the chance! YAY!
Posted by: Georgi | September 18, 2009 at 09:43 AM